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7 Chakras with yoga_ Awareness and practice _ Yoga VT20 - VIKUDO
Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT

7 Chakras with yoga_ Awareness and practice _ Yoga VT20

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7 Chakras _ Awareness and practice with yoga


To prepare you to effectively practice yoga poses of the 7 most important chakras, please understand the location and role of each chakra for the body.

CHAKRA 1: MULADHARA – Root, support

Location between the anus and the genitals, which is equivalent to acupoint CV1 _ Huiyin in oriental medicine.
Symbolized by a red lotus with 4 petals.
Chakra 1 is closely related to human instincts and the underlying potentialities.
It can help the practitioner to increase his stamina, to master one’s ego and form a firm will on the way to each goal.

CHAKRA 2: SVADHISTHANA – A place of your own

Location equivalent to acupoint CV4 _ Guanyuan
Symbolized by an orange lotus with 6 petals.
Chakra 2 is closely related to basic physiological and biological emotions. It can help the practitioner to harness the sexual energy at the same time fullness, abundance – and control and moderation.

CHAKRA 3: MANIPURA – Sparkling Jewel

Location between the navel and the sternum, equivalent to acupoint CV12 _ Zhongwan
Symbol with a yellow lotus with 10 petals.
Chakra 3 can help practitioners illuminate their close relationship with their environment, to increase their ability to connect, to exchange and express emotions and to get along with the environment.

CHAKRA 4: ANAHATA – Not struck, unharmed

Location in the center of the chest, equivalent to the CV17 acupoint _ Shanzhong
Symbol with a green 12-petal lotus
Chakra 4 can help the practitioner to connect and improve the flow of positive energy.
Motivates and maintains feelings of beauty and holiness, constantly seeking a healthy, active, beautiful and peaceful lifestyle.

CHAKRA 5: VISUDDHA – Purification

The location located level of the pharynx, equivalent to the CV22 acupoint _ Tiantu
Symbol with a blue lotus with 16 petals.
Chakra 5 can help the practitioner to strengthen his ability to express his emotions, to communicate and express perceptions, personal thoughts and opinions in a harmonious relationship between itself and the environment.

CHAKRA 6: AJNA – Perception, Command

Location is at the intersection between the line connecting the eyebrows and the line along the bridge of the nose, equivalent to acupoint M-HN3 _ Yintang
Symbol with a blue lotus flower with 2 petals
Chakra 6 is associated with the capacity for self-awareness with dialectical relations with the objective world, It has since helped influence the ability to think, and the capacity of each of us to act.

CHAKRA 7: SAHASRARA – Lotus with 1000 petals

Location is right on the top of the head, equivalent to the DU20 _ Baihui acupoint
Symbol with a purple, white and golden lotus, with 1000 petals
The 7 chakra can help the practitioner to have a relaxed experience, easy-going and refreshing, in a positive, pure and light spirit.

I wish you good health and good yoga practice with 7 chakras every day,

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Docteur en Physiopathologie
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Docteur en Physiopathologie

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