Breathe properly while doing yoga _ Yoga V001 People can fast for many days, but hardly anyone can stop breathing for many minutes. You can do one sport or another, or you can not play sports, but you all have to breathe. Everyone, from adults to babies, from women to […]
Fertility yoga for women _ Yoga VP4
Fertility yoga for women _ Yoga VP4 This exercise includes only over a dozen simple yoga exercises but will be very effective in improving your health and fertility. I hope you practice hard, regularly every day. When practicing, be sure to relax your body in each specific position. You just […]
Good breathing to practice Yoga _ Yoga V00
Good breathing to practice Yoga _ Yoga V00 Do you really need a quality yoga practice? I hope you know how to take good care of your breath before doing yoga. I hope you will use it and apply it to basic yoga and therapeutic yoga exercises, which I will […]
For him 5 min _ Brief yoga for Men’s Health and Fertility
For him 5 min _ Brief yoga for Men’s Health and Fertility This is a video summarizing the basic yoga postures of Yoga VP3, which makes it easy to remember and practice whenever possible but not convenient to go online to watch Yoga VP3 directly. However, you should always remember […]
Yoga for him _ Yoga to improve mal fertility _ Yoga VP3
Yoga for him _ Yoga to improve mal fertility 35 minutes exercices strengthens men with a large number of powerful sperm. A 35-minute yoga practice, including nearly 20 classic yoga postures, helps the boys. For some reason, “A lot of flour but still without cakes”, could soon be satisfied to […]
YogaVP 2 _ Prenatal YogaV – Preparation
More info, please visit website : This video helps you prepare all the necessary to practice the exercises in the sessions that come in a few days. YogaVP is an effective exercise program for all women who need to improve reproductive health. It also helps women conceive, become pregnant, […]
Yoga increases Fertility and Restores Reproductive Health After Birth _ Yoga VP1
Yoga increases Fertility and Restores Reproductive Health After Birth _ Yoga VP1 Certainly, there are many cases, for obvious reasons due to congenital anomalies, accidental losses, wars, poisonings, etc., even if people are suffering, It is also possible to face the truth and accept other solutions to compensate for it. […]
YogaVP 7 _ Yoga pregnancy – First trimester _ Strong and supple mother’s legs
Website : YogaVP7 _ Yoga pregnancy – First trimester _ Strong and supple mother’s legs You now
YogaVP 6 _ Yoga for a supple and strong spine supports your baby _ First trimester
During pregnancy, good posture is extremely important because it allows: – Your uterus is in
YogaVP 5 _ Yoga Adapting to Pregnancy _ First trimester
Reminder: Whether novice or experienced, take gentle action for the first 14 weeks, emphasize breathing