Shoulder and back movements _ Yoga V12

Yoga Vikudo, YogaV vikudo, YogaV KIENDOAN, YogaV 12

Shoulder and back movements _ Yoga V12 Movement techniques of both arms, shoulder blades and upper back. Next are the initial movements to relax the spine, followed by techniques to stretch each side of the back muscles and intercostal muscles. Practitioners will continue to feel the really muscular movement, even […]

Back and abdomen exercises P1 _ Yoga V

Back and abdomen exercises P1 _ Yoga V The techniques detailed in the Yoga V12 and Yoga V13 lessons are fully systematic to help you practice your daily practice effectively and smoothly while reducing downtime. Before any workout, you should also be aware of sitting 4774 breathing at least 9 […]

Back and belly exercises 3 _ Yoga V15

Back and belly exercises 3 _ Yoga V15 Exercise continues to involve the back and abdomen with back and abdominal loosening techniques in straight and twisted positions and in static states. Back and belly exercises 3 _ Yoga V15: Back and belly exercises – P2 Back and belly exercises – […]