Nosebleeds _ Acupressure _ Acupress V12

chảy máu mũi, chảy máu cam, nosebleeds, saignements de nez, acupress v12,

Nosebleeds _ Prevent and Treat with Acupressure _ Acupress V12 Nosebleeds, can have many causes, from mental to physical causes. Very simple causes can also cause nosebleeds such as prolonged stress, too low humidity, allergic rhinitis or due to certain movements to badly clean the nose, etc. Moreover, nosebleeds can […]

Constipation with acupressure _ Acupress V5

Xoa bóp bấm huyệt trị táo bón, La constipation avec acupression, Constipation with acupressure,

Constipation with acupressure _ Acupress V5 PLEASE NOTE: This practice does not apply to pregnant women For the practice session “Prevent and treat constipation with massage, acupressure”, we will practice while lying down. Please prepare with me a comfortable place to lie down, with 4 small pillows or yoga bricks. […]

Insomnia by Stress with Acupressure _ Acupress V4

Bấm huyệt chữa mất ngủ bởi Stress, Insomnie par stress avec Acupression, Insomnia by Stress with Acupressure

Insomnia by Stress with Acupressure _ Acupress V4 Insomnia can be caused by many different causes and, therefore, there are of course many different therapies. In this lesson, for insomnia caused by nervous causes, excessive anxiety, etc., which we can temporarily call stress I present to you a very simple […]

Acupressure with acne _ Acupress V2

Acupression pour Acné, Bấm huyệt trị mụn trứng cá, Acupressure with acne, Acupress V2,

Acupressure with acne _ Acupress V2 To prevent and treat acne, in addition to eating, practicing yoga, it is enough acupressure only one point, it is the “Shangyang”. You can review how to find this acupoint in Acupoint LI-1: Prevent and treat acne through food:Life18, Life 20 Prevent and […]