Breast cancer risk factors

Các yếu tố nguy cơ ung thư vú, Breast cancer risk factors, Facteurs de risque du cancer du sein

Breast cancer risk factors – Who is at risk for breast cancer? There are several known risk factors for breast cancer. However, these are only the results of statistical studies on a large number of patients. As for each individual case, it is still very difficult to explain 100% of […]


ung thư vú, ung thu vu, breast cancer, cancer du sein, vikudo

BREAST CANCER _ BENIGN TUMOR OR MALIGNANT TUMOR? Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women worldwide and it usually appears after menopause. In fact, up to 10% of women have a lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. Men can also get breast cancer, but it’s rare, with […]

Prediabetes – Prevent and Treat _ Life 77

Prediabetes, prédiabete, tien tieu duong, Life 77

Prediabetes – Prevent and Treat _ Life 77 Prediabetes is characterized by higher than normal blood sugar levels, but the readings are below the threshold called diabetes.The warning signs of prediabetes are called type 2 diabetes warning signs because people with prediabetes are often at risk of developing type 2 […]

Facial nerve palsy or Facial nerve paralysis _ Life 75

Facial nerve palsy or facial nerve palsy (CN VII) is a paralysis of the motor nerve whose function is to control the movements of the facial muscles. Peripheral cranial nerve palsy is also known as peripheral facial palsy and is also known in folklore as gale.This is a condition in […]

Heart palpitations _ Prevent and Treat _ Yoga VT24

Yoga VT24 _ Palpitations _ Prevent and Treat

If you also suffer from heart palpitations, you should see your doctor promptly to get the exact treatment that’s right for your cause. In any case, if your state of health allows it and with the agreement of your doctor, you can practice the practice of yoga that I recommend […]

Stroke _ Causes, signs, prevent and treat _ Life 74

Life 74 _ Stroke _ Causes, signs, prevent and treat

Stroke is a serious brain disease that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted by various causes such as a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. At this point, the amount of oxygen and nutrients that supply the brain cells is severely deficient. […]

Sudden Cardiac Arrest _ Life 73

Life 73 _ Ngừng tim đột ngột Life 73 _ Arrêt cardiaque soudain Life 73 _ Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating, causing blood flow to the brain and organs to stop. And, it is often fatal if not treated within minutes. However, the reality is that most people with sudden cardiac arrest do not survive, […]

Myocardial Infarction _ Heart attack _ Life 72

Life 72 _ Heart attack _ Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction occurs when the blood flow to the heart is suddenly interrupted, causing damage to the cells of the heart muscle and, at the same time, angina attacks occur.The sudden cut in blood flow to the heart occurs due to a blockage of one or more coronary arteries (the […]