Prevent and Treat Sciatica _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT15 Anatomically, the large nerve in the hip is the largest and longest nerve in the body. It is composed of two main roots, L5 and S1, and auxiliary roots L4, S2 and S3. The large sciatic nerve goes from the […]
Lumbar herniated disc P2 __ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT14
Lumbar herniated disc P2 __ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT14 Intervertebral disc herniation in which the lumbar disc herniation is a disease that seriously affects the health and mobility of people. Disc herniation occurs when unbalanced mechanical pressures cause the annulus fibrosus to deform, causing part of the nucleus pulposus […]
Lumbar herniated disc P1 _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT13
Lumbar herniated disc P1 _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT13 Intervertebral disc herniation in which the lumbar disc herniation is a disease that seriously affects the health and mobility of people. Disc herniation occurs when unbalanced mechanical pressures cause the annulus fibrosus to deform, causing part of the nucleus pulposus […]
Yoga to prevent and cure acne _ Yoga VT10
Yoga to prevent and cure acne _ Yoga VT10 Although acne may not pose a serious threat to physical health, it can affect self-esteem and can cause a variety of problems in life. Acne has created both an industry of senior dermatologists and a staggering list of very strong and […]
Yoga to prevent and cure Anemia _ Yoga VT9
Yoga to prevent and cure Anemia _ Yoga VT9 In the human body, blood represents 7% of the weight. Thus, the average adult has about 5 liters of blood. You may have an equivalent amount of blood in your body, but you may still be anemic if you have the […]