Viparita Karani Mudra _ Inverted lake pose _ Yoga VB27
Yoga VB27 _ Viparita Karani Mudra _ Inverted lake pose _ Basic yoga
Viparita Karani Mudra is a reversed posture on the shoulders, it is also known as “inverted lake pose”.
The Viparita Karani Mudra not only helps fight against aging, but also offers many benefits, both physical and mental.
The “inverted lake pose” – Viparita Karani Mudra is a powerful form of energy inversion that helps the practitioner reduce pressure on the spine, legs, feet, as well as the nervous system. As a result, the practitioner quickly reaches a state of complete relaxation.
The advantage of this “reverse posture on the shoulders” is that, regardless of the practitioner’s level of yoga, he can do it easily and often.
Specifically, the “inverted lake pose” does not require full body stiffness in the upright position and presses the shoulder area and the neck as in the “Shoulder Stand”. This posture does not require as much curvature in the neck as in the “Plow Pose”. In fact, to practice this “reverse posture on the shoulders”, the practitioner only has to maintain a posture in a relatively balanced state on the shoulders and upper back, while the hands do only support part. In particular, the degree of compression on the head and face is only slightly and the cervical spine is still in a relatively straight condition, less subject to folding and less pressure than in the “Shoulder Stand” and that of the “Plow Pose”.

It has long been known that when a person spends part of the day practicing this inverted posture, the whole body including its physical structure as well as all physiological activities will be in a particular state: at the same time to be proactive in support and posture maintenance, it’s relaxing and capable of easily leading the practitioner to deep meditation. Practitioner thus have the ability to soothe the brain, reassure the mind and achieve a greater and deeper self-awareness.
As the Viparita Karani Mudra pose can quickly have a calming effect on the mind, it is usually performed just before performing the corpse – Shavasana pose if it is for the purpose of resting the body in a resting position according to this “corpse pose”.
For those who are unable to perform more difficult poses like Sirsana or Sarvangasana, the Viparita Karani Mudra posture will be a good choice for almost equivalent benefits.
In fact, the practice of the inverted posture on the shoulders, the legs can be lowered to various levels – if they were high when the feet are above the head and if they were lower when the shins or knees are above the head. However, always make sure your feet are higher than your buttocks.
The practice of Viparita Karani Mudra posture can bring the following benefits:
- Increases blood flow around the neck, stimulating the neck chakras – vishuddhi
- Stimulates the thyroid gland, helping to balance the function of other endocrine glands.
- Relieves the pressure on the organs. Treat a number of diseases such as hernia, scrotal swelling, etc.
- Helps firm the spine, strengthen the intestine and other organs.
- Reduces fat at the waist, regulates blood pressure, improves respiratory failure
- Reduces foot fatigue, reduces leg cramps, reduces arthritis and varicose veins
- Reduces stress, anxiety, headaches, insomnia, mild depression, soothes the mind
- Reduces urinary disorders, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea, menopause
However, as with the post-plow, reverse posture on the shoulders is also not applicable in the case of:
- Asthma and high blood pressure
- Menstruation
- Pregnancy
- Neck injury
- serious eye conditions such as glaucoma, etc.
Some postures that support the inverted posture on the shoulders should be practiced before:
- The diamond pose. Youtube : Yoga VB5 _ How to do diamond pose
- The child’s pose. Youtube : Yoga VB7 _ How to do Child’s pose
- The Bridge pose. Youtube : Yoga VB17 _ How to do Bridge pose.
- The Legs up the wall pose. Youtube : Yoga VB24 _ Legs Up The Wall Pose.