Tư thế đứng gập người, Flexion avant debout, Standing Forward Bend
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Standing Forward Bend _ Uttanasana _ Yoga VB28

Standing Forward Bend _ Uttanasana _ Basic yoga

Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-ahna), – “Standing Forward Bend”. It is a pose that is simply flexing the body through the hip joint, but it is also a challenge for many people due to the tension in the muscles behind the pelvis, the muscles behind the thighs as well than the hamstrings.

However, in order to successfully and quickly perform all of the basic yoga poses, the practitioner must also know how to execute the poses in a logical sequence where the poses practiced first will be prerequisites for easily practicing the following poses.

Similar or previous poses

As for this pose “Standing Forward Bend”, the poses which have a particular value making it the easiest to perform, are:

As for “Standing Forward Bend” pose, the poses which have a particular value making it the easiest to perform, are: The “Seated Forward Bend” _ PASCHIMOTTANASANA, the “Head to the Knees” _ JANU SIRSASANA, and the Child’s pose BALASANA

To practice this Standing Forward Bend pose

In this video, the practitioner also practices a very simple posre, which acts as an intermediate transition from the state of relaxation to flexion – each time requiring an increase in the ability to stretch the muscles and bend the body. This is the Ardha uttanasana – the pose “Standing Half Forward Bend” (Figure below).

In addition, even when performing a pose, the practitioner also needs to listen and support his body. The principle of combining with breathing in 4 phases is always emphasized to improve the effect of muscle relaxation.

To understand and practice the 4-phase breathing technique, the practitioner must practice YogaV 001 _ Breathe properly while doing yoga.

The principle of stretching and expanding gradually should always be applied.

A forced action to contract or stretch a certain muscle mass, to a certain extent, can also lead to rapid completion, but on the contrary, it also presents many potential risks – physical injury and mental stress.

It will be more wonderful when the practitioner has the capacity to relax, with breathing in 4 phases so that either increase or reduce muscle tension in a synchronized and harmonious manner with breathing. Finally, all target muscle groups are relaxed and the desired pose is satisfied in a proactive, positive and perfect way.

With the requirement to complete the position “Standing Forward Bend”, the practitioner must be patient, not be impatient to force the body to bend too quickly but on the contrary, know over time of each minute so that the target muscle masses are actively relaxed. All other influences, including hand support, are only incidental factors and are only really necessary at the end – when the body can no longer stretch automatically and continue to bend.

The intermediate pose (partially folded) – ARDHA UTTANASANA is essential for the successful practice of the “Standing Forward Bend” pose (fully folded) – UTTANASANA

The pose “Standing Forward Bend” has a very special meaning for health, both physically and mentally. This pose is used in many therapeutic yoga exercises to treat a variety of common and complicated illnesses that Yoga VIKUDO will present to you in the days to come.

In addition, even for healthy people, the practice of this posture regularly brings them great benefits. However, the practice of this pose is very simple, can be performed almost anytime, anywhere if conditions allow.


Here are some key benefits that a “Standing Forward Bend” pose can provide the practitioner:

  • Stretches and strengthens the spine, hips, hamstrings and leg muscles
  • Improves posture
  • Calms the brain, relieves stress, anxiety, headaches and insomnia
  • Stimulates the liver, kidneys and internal organs.
  • Improves digestion
  • Relieves the symptoms of menopause
  • Treatment of asthma, infertility and sinusitis


However, this pose is not applicable in the following cases:

  • Back and / or neck injury
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pregnancy
  • High blood pressure and heart disease


About Post Author


Docteur en Physiopathologie
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