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Baihui, One Hundred Meetings _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU20
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One Hundred Meetings, Baihui – The Governing Vessel
Huyệt Bách hội _ Đốc mạch
One Hundred Meetings _ Vaisseau gouverneur
百會, bǎi huì – 督脉穴; 督脈
baek hoe 백회, hyaku e – The Governing Vessel
Abbreviated in English : DU20
The Baihui is used for treatment of headaches, rectal prolapse, stuffy nose, heavy head, forgetfulness, madness, panic, coma, coldness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, nervousness, insomnia.
- Acupuncture 0.5-0.7 CUN or penetrate to the acupoint “Tu than thong”.
- Don’t prick the skull.
- Moxibustion 5 to 10 minutes.
- Combined with Yingu KD10 acupoint, Jianshi PC5 acupoint and Fuliu KD7 acupoint to treat insanity.
- Combined with Yinjiao CV7 acupoint, Zhaohai KD6 acupoint and Taichong LV3 acupoint treat throat diseases.
- Combined with Yintang M-HN-3 acupoint, Dadun LV1 acupoint, He Gu LI4 acupoint, Zhongwan CV12 acupoint and Trung Pulse PC9 acupoint to treat children with acute epileptic seizures.
- Combined with Yintang M-HN-3 acupoint, He Gu LI4 acupoint and Supreme Yan acupoint (Extraordinary acupoint) to treat headache.
- Combined with Zhaohai KD6 acupoint, Weidao GB28 acupoint, Dahe KD12 acupoint, Qihai CV6 acupoint and Taichong LV3 acupoint treat uterine prolapse.
- Combined with Kunlun BL60 acupoint and Sizhukong TE23 acupoint to treat children with epilepsy.
- Combined with the (Moxibustion) Jiuwei CV15 acupoint for the treatment of young children with severe rectal prolapse.
- Combined with Shanzhong CV17 acupoint (Moxibustion), Qihai CV6 acupoint and Renzhong DU26 acupoint to treat spontaneous unconsciousness.
- Combined with Jianyu LI15 acupoint (Moxibustion), Phat te (Extraordinary acupoint), Zusanli ST36 acupoint and Xuanzhong GB39 acupoint. Disease on the left, Moxibustion on the right and vice versa, treatment of sequelae of cerebrovascular accidents
- Combined with Jiuwei CV15 acupoint to treat dysentery.
- Combined with Jiuwei CV15 acupoint and Changqiang DU1 acupoint to treat rectal prolapse.
- Combine with Jiuwei CV15 acupoint, Yong Quan KI1 acupoint and Zusanli ST36 acupoint to treat strokes.
- Combined with Dazhui DU14 acupoint to treat heat in bones, dry teeth.
- In combination with Dazhui DU14 acupoint, Jianshi PC5 acupoint, Quchi LI11 acupoint, Jianjing GB21 acupoint, Fengchi GB20 acupoint and Zusanli ST36 acupoint to treat hemiplegia.
- Combined with Dazhui DU14 acupoint, He Gu LI4 acupoint, Quchi LI11 acupoint and Fengchi GB20 acupoint treat colds.
- Combined with Dazhui DU14 acupoint, Quchi LI11 acupoint and Fengfu DU16 acupoint treat brain inflammation, people are tough as wood.
- Combined with Dazhui DU14 acupoint, Xinshu BL15 acupoint, Shenmen HT7 acupoint and Zusanli ST36 acupoint treat forgetfulness.
- Combined with Dachangshu BL25 acupoint and Changqiang DU1 acupoint for the treatment of young children with rectal prolapse.
- Combined with the Yemen TE2 acupoint, the Shendao DU11 acupoint and the Tianjing TE10 acupoint treat anxiety and fear.
- Combined with Yong Quan KI1 acupoint, Guanyuan CV4 acupoint and Shenshu BL23 acupoint treat kidney failure.
- Associated with the Duy bao acupoint (Extraordinary acupoint), the Qihai CV6 acupoint and the Zusanli ST36 acupoint treat uterine prolapse.
- Combined with Jiexi ST41 acupoint for epilepsy.
- Combined with Houding DU19 acupoint and He Gu LI4 acupoint treat head and neck pain.
- Combine with Huantiao GB30 acupoint, He Gu LI4 acupoint, Quchi LI11 acupoint, Jianyu LI15 acupoint and Xuanzhong GB39 acupoint to prevent strokes.
- Combined with He Gu LI4 acupoint and Shangxing DU23 acupoint to treat headache.
- Combined with Qihai CV6 acupoint, Shenque CV8 acupoint and Tianshu ST25 acupoint treat dysentery, yang damage and uncontrollable diarrhea.
- Combined with Jingqu LU8 acupoint and Qiangu SI2 acupoint to treat malaria.
- Combined with Mingmen DU4 acupoint, Guanyuan CV4 acupoint and Zhongliao BL33 acupoint treat urinary incontinence.
- Combined with Naokong GB19 acupoint and Tianzhu BL10 acupoint for severe headaches.
- Combined with Renzhong DU26 acupoint to treat laughter often for no reason.
- Combined with Renzhong DU26 acupoint to treat heart failure.
- Combined with Renzhong DU26 acupoint and Neiguan PC6 acupoint to treat coma (syncope).
- Combined with Neiguan PC6 acupoint and Shenmen HT7 acupoint to treat evil spirit, fear, mental restlessness.
- Combined with Fengmen BL12 acupoint (Moxibustion), Tongtian BL7 acupoint and Shangxing DU23 acupoint for uncontrollable runny nose.
- Combined with the Shenshu BL23 (Moxibustion) acupoint to treat tinnitus.
- Combined with Shenshu BL23 acupoint and Pishu BL20 acupoint for the long-term treatment of diarrhea that causes weakness in the spleen and stomach, as well as a weakened digestive system.
- Combined with Shenshu acupoint BL23, Pishu acupoint BL20 (Moxibustion) and Yeu nhan acupoint (Extraordinaire acupoint) for rectal prolapse.
- Combined with Shenmen HT7 acupoint, Tu than thong acupoint (Extraordinary acupoint) and Yong Quan KI1 acupoint treat dizziness due to deficiency.
- Combined with Chengshan BL57 acupoint and Changqiang DU1 acupoint to treat rectal prolapse.
- Combined with Shangxing DU23 (Moxibustion) acupoint to treat dizziness, fear of cold.
- Combined with Xinhui DU22 acupoint to treat sudden strokes.
- Combined with Zhongwan CV12 (Moxibustion) acupoint to treat uterine prolapse.
- Combined with Changqiang DU1 acupoint to treat rectal prolapse.
- Combined with Pishu BL20 acupoint (Moxibustion) to treat babies crying at night.
Many documents of traditional medicine of China and Vietnam
Please watch the instructions in the video
Baihui, One Hundred Meetings _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU20: