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Review 1-7 _ Basic Yoga
Review 1-7 _ Basic Yoga
After learning each pose, depending on your time and ability, you can practice many poses during a workout.
Individual poses are included in the same video to help you practice. Each “Review” video includes only the “Execution” sections so that you can easily follow them.
In this YogaVB-Re 1.7 video, the poses are practiced in turn:
- Yoga VB1 _ PADMASANA _ Lotus pose
- Yoga VB2 _ SUKHASANA _ Easy pose
- Yoga VB3 _ DANDASANA _ Staff pose
- Yoga VB4 _ VAKRASANA _ Simple Spinal Twist 1
- Yoga VB5 _ VAJRÂSANA _ Diamond pose
- Yoga VB6 _ SUPTAVAJRÂSANA _ Lying diamond pose
- Yoga VB7 _ BALASANA _ Child’s Pose
After each video, you can pause for a few minutes before repeating or training in the next set, depending on your abilities and your time.
Review 1-7 _ Basic Yoga:
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Breathe properly while doing yoga _ Yoga V001