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Acupoint SP5 _ Shang Mound, Shangqiu – Spleen _ SP-5
Shang Mound, Shangqiu – Spleen
Huyệt Thương khâu – Kinh Túc thái âm tỳ
Le monticule de métal _ Méridien de la rate
商丘, shāng qiū – 足太阴脾经
sang gu 상구, shō kyū – 족태음비경
Abbreviated in English : SP5
The Shangqiu acupoint strengthens the spleen and stomach. Dispel toxic moisture
The Shangqiu acupoint is used for the treatment of gastritis, intestinal inflammation, impaired digestive function and ankle pain …
- Combined with KD10 acupoint, SP9 acupoint, LV8 acupoint to treat abdominal distension.
- Combined (Moxibustion) with SP9 acupoint, SP2 acupoint to treat diarrhea.
- Combined with SP9 acupoint, ST25 acupoint treats chronic inflammatory bowel disease.
- Combined (Moxibustion) with BL17 acupoint, GB38 acupoint, PC6 acupoint, BL20 acupoint and BL21 acupoint to treat stomach pain.
- Combined with GB42 acupoint, ST38 acupoint and GB44 acupoint to treat inflammation of the little toe.
- Combined with GB34 acupoint, SP6 acupoint, ST36 acupoint to treat leg edema.
- Combined with ST41 acupoint, GB40 acupoint treats sore calves.
- Combined with LI4 acupoint, LI11 acupoint treats pertussis.
- Combined with GB7 acupoint treats the symptom of teeth being so tight that the mouth cannot open.
- Combined with BL64 acupoint, BL56 acupoint, BL57 acupoint to treat leg cramps.
- Combined with GB24 acupoint to treat excessive sadness and joy.
- Combined with KD7 acupoint to treat internal hemorrhoids.
- Combined with SP6 acupoint to treat constipation caused by weak spleen.
- Combined with BL66 acupoint, KD21 acupoint is used to treat vomiting.
Many documents of traditional medicine of China and Vietnam
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