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Yinbai, Hidden White _ Spleen meridian _ Acupoint SP1
- Hidden White, Yinbai – Spleen meridian
- Huyệt Ẩn bạch – Kinh Túc thái âm tỳ
- Le blanc caché – Méridien de la rate
- 隱白, yǐn bái – 足太阴脾经
- eun baek 은백, im paku – 족태음비경
It is the 1st point of the Spleen meridian.
Because the location of the hidden point is the meeting place of the red and white skin on the bottom of the foot, it is called the Hidden White point.
Abbreviated in English : SP1
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Docteur en Physiopathologie
SP1 | Yinbai Acupoint | Spleen Meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO
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