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Review 8-15 _ Basic Yoga
Review 8-15 _ Basic Yoga
YogaVB-Re8-15 is a practical session that passes a review of all sections of “Execution” videos from YogaVB8 to YogaVB15 :
- Yoga VB8 _ VIRASANA _ Hero Pose
- Yoga VB9 _ SUPTAVIRASANA _ Reclining Hero Pose
- Yoga VB10 _ MATSYÂSANA _ Fish Pose
- Yoga VB11 _ MATSYA-PADMÂSANA _ Fish-Lotus Pose
- Yoga VB12 _ PARVATÂSANA _ Mountain Pose
- Yoga VB13 _ JANU SIRSASANA _ Head to Knee Pose _ LEVEL 1
- Yoga VB14 _ JANU SIRSASANA _ Head to Knee Pose _ LEVEL 2
- Yoga VB15 _ JANU SIRSASANA _ Head to Knee Pose _ LEVEL 3
You can only practice this video if you have learned each of the individual YogaVBs videos mentioned above.
In addition, if during this practice, you are experiencing uncertain issues or forget, you can also stop this video to return to the video YogaVBs associated with the problem, with the complete subtitle to re-study before continuing to practice according to this video !
Review 8-15: