Upper Star _ Vaisseau gouverneur _ Acupoint DU23 Upper Star _ Vaisseau gouverneurHuyệt Thượng tinh _ Đốc mạchShangxing, Upper Star _ The Governing Vessel上星, shàng xīng _ 督脉穴; 督脈sang seong 상성, jō sei? L’acupoint est au sommet de la tête, est considéré comme une étoile, il s’appelle donc « Upper Star » […]
One Hundred Meetings _ Vaisseau gouverneur _ Acupoint DU20
One Hundred Meetings, Baihui _ Vaisseau gouverneur _ Acupoint DU20 One Hundred Meetings _ Vaisseau gouverneurHuyệt Bách hội _ Đốc mạchOne Hundred Meetings, Baihui – The Governing Vessel百會, bǎi huì – 督脉穴; 督脈baek hoe 백회, hyaku e – The Governing Vessel L’acupoint « One Hundred Meetings » ou « Baihui » _ Acupoint DU20 […]
Great Vertebra _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU14
Great Vertebra, Dazhui – The Governing Vessel _ DU-14 _ GV-14 _ Acupoint DU14 Great Vertebra, Dazhui – The Governing Vessel Đại chùy – Đốc mạch大椎, dà zhuī – 督脉穴; 督脈dae chu 대추, dai tsui Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie
Wind Palace _ Vaisseau gouverneur _ Acupoint DU16
Wind Palace, Fengfu – The Governing VesselHuyệt Phong phủ – Đốc mạch風府, fēng fǔ – 督脉穴; 督脈pung bu 풍부, fū fu DU16 | Fengfu Acupoint | The Governing Vessel | Acupressure VIKUDO