Hot Flashes with yoga _ Yoga Therapy _ Yoga VT21 Hot flashes are a very uncomfortable condition that commonly occurs in premenopausal and menopausal women. This exercise is not only effective for people suffering from the torture of this pathology, but also useful for anyone who wants to prevent disease […]
7 Chakras with yoga_ Awareness and practice _ Yoga VT20
7 Chakras _ Awareness and practice with yoga Location between the anus and the genitals, which is equivalent to acupoint CV1 _ Huiyin in oriental medicine.Symbolized by a red lotus with 4 petals.Chakra 1 is closely related to human instincts and the underlying potentialities.It can help the practitioner to increase […]
Sciatica _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT15
Prevent and Treat Sciatica _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT15 Anatomically, the large nerve in the hip is the largest and longest nerve in the body. It is composed of two main roots, L5 and S1, and auxiliary roots L4, S2 and S3. The large sciatic nerve goes from the […]
Lumbar herniated disc P2 __ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT14
Lumbar herniated disc P2 __ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT14 Intervertebral disc herniation in which the lumbar disc herniation is a disease that seriously affects the health and mobility of people. Disc herniation occurs when unbalanced mechanical pressures cause the annulus fibrosus to deform, causing part of the nucleus pulposus […]
Lumbar herniated disc P1 _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT13
Lumbar herniated disc P1 _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT13 Intervertebral disc herniation in which the lumbar disc herniation is a disease that seriously affects the health and mobility of people. Disc herniation occurs when unbalanced mechanical pressures cause the annulus fibrosus to deform, causing part of the nucleus pulposus […]
Lotus Melting Heart Pose _ Yoga VB41
Lotus Melting Heart Pose _ PADMA – ANAHATASANA _ Yoga VB41 “LOTUS – MELTING HEART” Pose A superb combination of two classic and emotional yoga poses: the “Lotus” pose and the “Melting Heart” pose. The benefits of PADMA – ANAHATASANA will not simply be a complement to the benefits of […]
Heart Melting Pose _ Anahatasana _ Yoga VB40
Heart Melting Pose _ Anahatasana _ Yoga VB40 ANAHATASANA _ Heart Melting Pose “Melting Heart Pose” – An extremely special posture, it is special from the name that smells very sweet, filled with positive and loving emotions. When practicing the “Melting Heart” posture, the practitioner will easily feel – from […]
Yoga Seal Pose _ YOGA MUDRASANA _ Yoga VB39
Yoga Seal Pose _ YOGA MUDRASANA _ Yoga VB39 For many people, being able to sit well in the “Lotus Pose” was also a big challenge. Therefore, continuing to practice the posture called “Yoga Seal Pose” is indeed a difficulty that is not easily overcome on the first day, the […]
Lotus Cobra Pose _ PADMA BHUJANGASANA _ Yoga VB38
Lotus Cobra Pose _ PADMA BHUJANGASANA _ Yoga VB38 The “Padma Bhujangasana” is a great combination of both the legendary yoga poses: the “Lotus pose” and the “Cobra pose”. The benefits of the PADMA BHUJANGASANA combination pose give the practitioner certainly not only the sum of the benefits of the […]
Front kick with toe tips _ Vikudo B3
Front kick with toe tips _ Vikudo B3 Vikudo B3 _ Lying down _ front kick with tip of the toes Similar to the previous exercises, the “Lying down – front kick with tip of the toes” can be done in many different positions. But here we practice this technique […]
The forward foot bowl _ Vikudo B2
The forward foot bowl _ Vikudo B2 Vikudo B2 _ Lying down Front Kick with Ball of Foot The “Lying down Front Kick with Ball of Foot” can be done in many different positions. But here we practice this technique while lying down – one of the most passive and […]
Happy baby pose _ ANANDA BALASANA _ Yoga VB36
Happy baby pose _ ANANDA BALASANA _ Yoga VB36 Ananda Balasana, also known as Sukha Balasana (“Funny Kid’s Pose”), is a basic pose found in many modern yoga programs. This pose is known for its many fascinating benefits, while practicing the pose is not too difficult and not too much […]
Raised Lotus Pose _ UTTHITA PADMASANA _ Yoga VB35
Raised Lotus Pose _ UTTHITA PADMASANA _ Yoga VB35 UTTHITA PADMASANA _ Raised Lotus Pose Sanskrit name: Utthita Padmasana or Tulasana / Tolasana English name: Raise Lotus Pose or Balance Pose or Swing Pose or Scale PoseUtthita Padmasana consists of three Sanskrit words.Where the first word is the word “Utthita”, […]
Hands position of Cow face pose _ Yoga VB33
Hands position of Cow face pose _ HASTA GOMUKHASANA _ Yoga VB33 hasta gomukhasana = (HUH-stug go-muk-AHS-uh-nuh) To practice this lesson when you have time, you can stand or sit as desired.Here we practice together in “Diamond Pose”. To practice this exercise well, you should practice the following exercises: Yoga […]
SELF-DEFENSE AND SURVIVAL _ VIKUDO I want to offer you this program! It is a training program, the learners must practice seriously with the demonstrations of the master, the “brainstorming” must be parallel to the “movement”. The program is not intended to be entertaining. Do you want to write a […]