Oolong tea _ Contributing to disease prevention _ Life 4

Life 4 _ Oolong tea _ Contributing to disease prevention _ VIKUDO

Oolong tea, excellent tea! Hello, Certainly among us, few people have never heard of tea and its effects on health.Due to the fact that tea is known for its health benefits and has been used for thousands of years, even in many places, tea has been used at a high […]

Antibiotic resistance, antimicrobial resistance _ Life 63

Life 63 _ Antimicrobial Resistance, VIKUDO

Antibiotics are an excellent man-made weapon against bacterial infections. But do you know? Today, more and more bacteria are becoming resistant to the antibiotics used to destroy them. And antibiotic resistance is the biggest threat to the entire healthcare industry in particular and to society in general. Antibiotics have the […]


life vikudo, vikudo, docteur vikudo, maître vikudo, allergies alimentaires, food allergy, dị ứng thực phẩm, dị ứng thức ăn, life 59, life59,

A food allergy is a disease when an immune system response occurs immediately after eating a certain food, even though only a very small amount of the allergen is consumed.Food allergies affect about 6-8% of all children under 3 and over 3% of all adults.Additionally, a food allergy can be […]

Sleep apnea _ Prevent and Treat _ Life 57

life vikudo, vikudo, sleep apnea, syndrome d’apnée du sommeil, apnée du sommeil, hội chứng ngưng thở khi ngủ, ngừng thở khi ngủ, ngưng thở khi ngủ, life 57, life57,

Sleep apnea syndrome is a sleep disorder characterized by an arrest or decrease in respiratory flow. Hello, Most patients with sleep apnea syndrome do not know that they have this disease, but if they go to a doctor, it is only because of the common symptoms like headache, fatigue, etc. […]

Lactose intolerance – Causes, Symptoms, and Prevent _ Life 55

life vikudo, vikudo, life 55, life55, intolérance au lactose, lactose intolerance, không dung nạp lactose,

Lactose intolerance occurs because a person’s small intestine does not make enough of an enzyme called lactase to digest the lactose naturally found in milk. Lactose intolerance occurs because a person’s small intestine does not make enough of an enzyme called lactase to digest the lactose naturally found in milk.Because […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy _ YES or NO ? _ Life 52

Mãn kinh và liệu pháp hoocmon thay thế _ Lợi ích và rủi ro

Hormone replacement therapy, if required, should be used only at the lowest effective dose, and for the shortest possible time! As I said in the previous video, menopause is the time when a woman’s ovaries stop producing fertility hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and it’s also when a woman stop her […]