Xingjian, Interval Pass _ Liver meridian _ Acupoint LV2 Waiting for the English translation update, you can refer to the Vietnamese version and use Google automatic translation here You can also refer to it for more information: Acupressure VIKUDO Channel Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie
Taichong, Supreme Rush, Great rushing _ Liver _ LV3
Taichong, Supreme Rush, Great rushing _ Liver meridian _ Acupoint LV3 Supreme Rush, Great rushing, Taichong – LiverThái xung – Túc quyết âm can太沖, taì chōng – 足厥阴肝经tae chung 태충, tai shō – 족궐음간경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie LV3 | Taichong acupoint | Liver meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO Gushing Spring, […]