Attack the Yintang acupoint with a straight punch

huyệt ấn đường, yintang acupoint, Salle des impressions acupoint

Attack the Yintang acupoint with a straight punch Self-defense techniques involving the Yintang acupoint, a specific point on the face. It provides instructions for practicing self-defense against both fixed and moving targets. The Yintang acupoint is located between the eyebrows, along the bridge of the nose. Demonstrates techniques for attacking […]

Xuanlu _ Gallbladder meridian _ GB5

Huyệt Huyền lư GB5 Xuanlu GB5 Suspended Skull GB5

Dispel the wind and calm the pains Hemicrania, toothache, nervous breakdown. Xuanlu acupoint can be combined with some other acupoints to treat the following diseases: Many documents of traditional medicine of China and Vietnam Please watch the instructions in the video GB5 | Xuanlu| Gallbladder meridian| Acupressure VIKUDO (Waiting for […]

Tongziliao, Pupil Crevice – Gallbladder meridian _ GB1

huyệt đồng tử liêu, túc thiếu dương đởm, tongziliao, pupil crevice, gallbladder meridian, méridien de la vésicule biliaire, tóng zǐ liáo, 瞳子髎, 足少阳胆经, dong ja ryo, 동자료, dō shi ryō, 족소양담경,

Tongziliao, Pupil Crevice – Gallbladder meridian _ GB1 Other Names: Hau Khuc, Ngu Vi, Thach Khuc, Thai Duong, Tien Quan. Waiting for the English translation update, you can refer to the Vietnamese version and use Google automatic translation here You can also refer to it for more information: Acupressure VIKUDO […]

Qiuhou _ Extra points _ EM6, EX-HN7

Huyệt Cầu hậu, 球後, 經外頭頸奇穴, Qiuhou, Extra points, EM6, EX-HN7, EXHN7, EX HN7, acuvi, vikudo

Qiuhou _ Extra points _ EM6, EX-HN7 Qiuhou – Extra pointsHuyệt Cầu hậu – Huyệt ngoài kinh球後穴, 球后穴 – 經外頭頸奇穴 Waiting for the English translation updateYou can refer to the Vietnamese version and use Google automatic translation here You can also refer to it for more information: Acupressure VIKUDO Channel

Feiyang, Soaring Upwards _ Bladder meridian _ BL58

huyệt phi dương, kinh túc thái dương bàng quang soaring upwards, feiyang, bladder meridian taking flight, méridien de la vessie 飛陽, fēi yáng, 足太阳膀胱经 bi yang 비양, hi yō, 족태양방광경,

Feiyang, Soaring Upwards _ Bladder meridian _ BL58 Other Name: Quyet Duong. Waiting for the English translation updateYou can refer to the Vietnamese version and use Google automatic translation here You can also refer the Kunlun acupoint: BL60 | Kunlun acupoint | Bladder meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO

Breast cancer risk factors

Các yếu tố nguy cơ ung thư vú, Breast cancer risk factors, Facteurs de risque du cancer du sein

Breast cancer risk factors – Who is at risk for breast cancer? There are several known risk factors for breast cancer. However, these are only the results of statistical studies on a large number of patients. As for each individual case, it is still very difficult to explain 100% of […]


ung thư vú, ung thu vu, breast cancer, cancer du sein, vikudo

BREAST CANCER _ BENIGN TUMOR OR MALIGNANT TUMOR? Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women worldwide and it usually appears after menopause. In fact, up to 10% of women have a lifetime risk of developing breast cancer. Men can also get breast cancer, but it’s rare, with […]

Zanzhu _ Bladder meridian _ Acupoint BL2

toản trúc, huyệt toản trúc, toan truc, huyet toan truc, zanzhu, gathered bamboo, 攢竹, cuán zhú,

Zanzhu _ Bladder meridian _ Acupoint BL2 Zanzhu – Bladder meridianHuyệt Toản trúc – Kinh Túc thái dương bàng quangGathered Bamboo – Méridien de la vessie攢竹, cuán zhú – 足太阳膀胱经chan juk 찬죽, san chiku – 족태양방광경 Other Vietnamese names: Da Quang, Minh Quang, My Ban, My Dau, Nguyen Tru, Quang […]

Xiangu, Sunken Valle _ Stomach meridian _ ST43

Huyệt Hãm cốc, Hãm cốc, Xiangu, Sunken Valle, La vallée encaissée, vikudo,

Xiangu, Sunken Valle _ Stomach meridian _ Acupoint ST43 The point in the concave (Xian) looks like a cave, so it is called Xiangu (Chinese Medicine Cuong Muc). Strengthen the spleen, eliminate harmful dampness, regulate the stomach, eliminate reverse qi Treatment of facial edema, whole body edema, bowel boil, abdominal […]

Lidui, Strict Exchange _ Stomach meridian _ Acupoint ST45

acuvi, vikudo, lidui, strict exchange, stomach meridian, huyệt lệ đoài, lệ đoài, le doai, huyet le doai, kinh túc dương minh vị, échange brusque, méridien de l'estomac, 厲兌, lì duì, 足阳明胃经, ye tae, 예태, rei da, 족양명위경

Lidui, Strict Exchange _ Stomach meridian _ Acupoint ST45 Lidui, Strict Exchange – Stomach meridian Huyệt Lệ đoài – Kinh Túc dương minh vị L’échange brusque – Méridien de l’estomac 厲兌, lì duì – 足阳明胃经 ye tae 예태, rei da – 족양명위경 The 45th acupoint of the stomach meridian.The skin […]

Shanzhong _ Conception Vessel _ Acupoint CV17

huyệt đản trung, đản trung, chiên trung, dan trung, chien trung, shanzhong, middle of the chest, 膻中, shān zhōng, dan jung, 단중, dan chū, nhâm mạch, conception vessel, vaisseau conception, 任脉穴, 任脈,

Shanzhong _ Conception Vessel _ Acupoint CV17 Shanzhong – Conception Vessel Huyệt Đản trung (Chiên trung) – Nhâm mạch Middle of the Chest – Vaisseau conception 膻中, shān zhōng – 任脉穴; 任脈 dan jung 단중, dan chū – Ren This is the 17th acupoint design of the Vaisseau Other Vietnamese […]

Shaoze, Lesser Marsh _ Small Intestine Meridian _ Acupoint SI1

huyệt thiếu trạch, huyet thieu trach, thieu trach, kinh thủ thái dương tiểu trường, shaoze, lesser marsh, small intestine meridian, le tout petit étang, méridien de l'intestin grêle, acuvi, vikudo,

Shaoze, Lesser Marsh _ Small Intestine Meridian _ Acupoint SI1 Lesser Marsh, Shaoze – Small Intestine meridian Huyệt Thiếu trạch – Kinh Thủ thái dương tiểu trường Le tout petit étang – Méridien de l’intestin grêle 少澤, shào zé – 手太阳小肠经 so taek 소택, shō taku – 수태양소장경 The meaning […]

Diji _ Spleen meridian _ Acupoint SP8

huyệt địa cơ, huyet dia co, le pivot de la terre, diji, earth pivot, acuvi, vikudo,

Diji _ Spleen meridian _ Acupoint SP8 Diji, Earth Pivot – Spleen meridian Huyệt Địa cơ – Kinh Túc thái âm tỳ Le pivot de la terre – Méridien de la rate 地機, dì jī – 足太阴脾经 ji gi 지기, chi ki – 족태음비경 It is the 8th acupoint of […]

Zhangmen _ Liver meridian _ Acupoint LV13

huyệt chương môn, huyet chuong mon, porte de l'ordre, Zhangmen, acuvi, vikudo, acupoint lv13,

Zhangmen, Gate of the Ordering _ Liver meridian _ Acupoint LV13 Zhangmen, Gate of the Ordering – Liver meridian Huyệt Chương môn – Kinh Túc quyết âm can Porte de l’Ordre – Méridien du foie 章門, zhāng mén – 足厥阴肝经 jang mun 장문, shō mon – 족궐음간경 The Zhangmen acupoint […]

Tiantu _ The Conception Vessel _ Acupoint CV22

acuvi, vikudo, huyệt thiên đột, thiên đột,huyet thien dot, thien dot, heaven projection, tiantu,

Tiantu _ The Conception Vessel _ Acupoint CV22 Tiantu – The Conception Vessel Thiên đột – Nhâm mạch Heaven Projection – Vaisseau conception 天突, tiān tū – 任脉穴; 任脈 cheon dol 천돌, ten totsu “Tian” means the area above.“Tu” refers to the fireplace.The point has the effect of ventilating (through […]

Quepen, Empty Basin _ Stomach meridian _ Acupoint ST12

huyệt khuyết bồn, la bassine vide, quepen, acuvi, vikudo,

Quepen, Empty Basin _ Stomach meridian _ Acupoint ST12 Empty Basin, Quepen – Stomach meridianKhuyết bồn – Kinh Túc dương minh vịLa bassine vide – Méridien de l’estomac缺盆, quē pén – 足阳明胃经gyeol bun 결분, ketsu bon – 족양명위경 The 12th point belongs to the stomach meridian.The ancients called the hole […]

Chengjiang – The Conception Vessel _ Acupoint CV24

Huyệt Thừa tương, Saliva Container, Chengjiang, Acupoint CV24, acuvi, vikudo,

Chengjiang, Container of Fluids – The Conception Vessel _ Acupoint CV24 Chengjiang, Container of Fluids – The Conception VesselHuyệt Thừa tương – Nhâm mạchSaliva Container – Vaisseau conception承漿, chéng jiāng – 任脉穴; 任脈seung jang 승장, shō shō Other names: Huyen tuong, Quy thi Epilepsy, stiff neck, toothache, mouth distortion, drooling […]

Nosebleeds _ Acupressure _ Acupress V12

chảy máu mũi, chảy máu cam, nosebleeds, saignements de nez, acupress v12,

Nosebleeds _ Prevent and Treat with Acupressure _ Acupress V12 Nosebleeds, can have many causes, from mental to physical causes. Very simple causes can also cause nosebleeds such as prolonged stress, too low humidity, allergic rhinitis or due to certain movements to badly clean the nose, etc. Moreover, nosebleeds can […]

Prediabetes – Prevent and Treat _ Life 77

Prediabetes, prédiabete, tien tieu duong, Life 77

Prediabetes – Prevent and Treat _ Life 77 Prediabetes is characterized by higher than normal blood sugar levels, but the readings are below the threshold called diabetes.The warning signs of prediabetes are called type 2 diabetes warning signs because people with prediabetes are often at risk of developing type 2 […]

Jianshi – Pericardium meridian _ Acupoint PC5

Huyệt Giản sử, Messager intermédiaire, Jianshi, Acupoint PC5, PC5,

Jianshi – Pericardium meridian _ Acupoint PC5 Jianshi, Jian Shi – Pericardium meridianHuyệt Giản sử – Kinh Thủ quyết âm tâm bàoIntermediate Messenger – Méridien du péricarde間使, jiān shǐ – 手厥阴心包经gan sa 간사, kan shi(?) – 수궐음심포경 Calm the mind, regulate digestion, eliminate phlegm, regulate qi in the heart Treatment […]

Neiguan – Pericardium meridian _ Acupoint PC6

Huyệt Nội quan, Inner Pass, Neiguan, Passe intérieure

Neiguan – Pericardium meridian _ Acupoint PC6 Inner Pass, Neiguan – Pericardium meridianHuyệt Nội quan – Kinh Thủ quyết âm tâm bàoPasse intérieure – Méridien du péricarde內關, 内关, nèi guān – 手厥阴心包经nae gwan 내관, nai kan – 수궐음심포경 Stomachache, spleen disorder, vomiting, morning sickness, excessive depression, nervousness, heart attack, insomnia, […]

Lying on the heels _ Supplementary 2

Allongé sur les talons

Lying on the heels _ Supplementary 2 The position “Lying on the heels” is the same as the position “Sitting on the heels” in the physical training part, first the legs. Here, the thigh muscles (especially the front thigh muscles) are strongly stimulated, and the ankle and foot muscles and […]

Great Mound – Pericardium meridian _ Acupoint PC7

Huyệt Đại lăng, Grand monticule, Great Mound, Acupoint PC7

Great Mound – Pericardium meridian _ Acupoint PC7 Great Mound – Pericardium meridianGrand monticule – Méridien du péricardeHuyệt Đại lăng – Kinh Thủ quyết âm tâm bào大陵, dà líng – 手厥阴心包经dae reung 대릉, dai ryō – 수궐음심포경 Purifies the heart, calms the mind and maintains the blood. Local treatment: Wrist […]

Plank pose _ Utthita Chaturanga Dandasana _ Yoga VB48


Plank pose _ Utthita Chaturanga Dandasana _ Yoga VB48 Utthita Chaturanga Dandasana is the name for a yoga pose that strengthens the core of the body and prepares the ability for harder arm balances. In the “Utthita chaturanga dandasana”, the body is held in a plank position above the ground […]

Hand 2 _ Fist training _ Self defense

Hand 2 _ Fist training _ Self defense _ VIKUDO

Hand 2 _ Fist training _ Self defense First of all, always make sure your hands are tight before throwing your fists. In the early days of practicing this “Hand 2”, you don’t need to have a heavy punch. On the contrary, you have to know how to throw a […]

Hand 1 _ How to make a firm fist _ Self defense

Hand 1 _ How to make a firm fist _ Self defense

Hand 1. How to make a firm fist. The tightening of the fingers creates the strong fist, with great forces and necessary penetrations. “Hand 1 _ How to make a firm fist”: The general rule is that the hand is tight, the index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little […]

Yinxi, Yin Cleft – Heart meridian _ Acupoint HT6

Acupoint HT6 _ Huyệt Âm khích _ Kinh Thủ thiếu âm Tâm

Yinxi, Yin Cleft – Heart meridian Huyệt Âm khích – Kinh Thủ thiếu âm tâm L’accumulation du Yin – Méridien du cœur 陰郄, yīn xī – 手少阴心经 eum geuk 음극, in geki – 수소음심경 The Yinxi have the effect of complementing yin, regulating the heart (severe heart attack, sharp pain […]

Lieque _ Broken Sequence – Lung meridian _ Acupoint LU7

Acupoint LU7 _ Huyệt Liệt khuyết _ Kinh Thủ thái âm phế _ LU-7 La suite brisée – Méridien du Poumon _ P7 Broken Sequence, Lieque – Lung meridian _ LU-7

Broken Sequence, Lieque _ Lung meridian La suite brisée – Méridien du Poumon Huyệt Liệt khuyết _ Kinh Thủ thái âm phế 列缺, liè quē _ 手太阴肺经 yeol gyeol 열결, rek ketsu _ 수태음폐경 Lieque acupoint is used to ventilate the lungs, remove toxic moisture in the body, ventilate the […]

Facial nerve palsy or Facial nerve paralysis _ Life 75

Facial nerve palsy or facial nerve palsy (CN VII) is a paralysis of the motor nerve whose function is to control the movements of the facial muscles. Peripheral cranial nerve palsy is also known as peripheral facial palsy and is also known in folklore as gale.This is a condition in […]

Heart palpitations _ Prevent and Treat _ Yoga VT24

Yoga VT24 _ Palpitations _ Prevent and Treat

If you also suffer from heart palpitations, you should see your doctor promptly to get the exact treatment that’s right for your cause. In any case, if your state of health allows it and with the agreement of your doctor, you can practice the practice of yoga that I recommend […]

Stroke _ Causes, signs, prevent and treat _ Life 74

Life 74 _ Stroke _ Causes, signs, prevent and treat

Stroke is a serious brain disease that occurs when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted by various causes such as a blockage or rupture of a blood vessel in the brain. At this point, the amount of oxygen and nutrients that supply the brain cells is severely deficient. […]

Sudden Cardiac Arrest _ Life 73

Life 73 _ Ngừng tim đột ngột Life 73 _ Arrêt cardiaque soudain Life 73 _ Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a condition in which the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating, causing blood flow to the brain and organs to stop. And, it is often fatal if not treated within minutes. However, the reality is that most people with sudden cardiac arrest do not survive, […]

Flying Crow Pose _ 3 practical steps _ Yoga VB46


The Flying Crow Pose could offer us many advantages Strengthens wrists, arms, shoulders and neck Helps to widen the hips and strengthens the core of the body. Improves spatial awareness, maintains strength and balance on both hands, more than crow pose. Pregnant women People with carpal tunnel syndrome People with […]

Myocardial Infarction _ Heart attack _ Life 72

Life 72 _ Heart attack _ Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction occurs when the blood flow to the heart is suddenly interrupted, causing damage to the cells of the heart muscle and, at the same time, angina attacks occur.The sudden cut in blood flow to the heart occurs due to a blockage of one or more coronary arteries (the […]

Oolong tea _ Contributing to disease prevention _ Life 4

Life 4 _ Oolong tea _ Contributing to disease prevention _ VIKUDO

Oolong tea, excellent tea! Hello, Certainly among us, few people have never heard of tea and its effects on health.Due to the fact that tea is known for its health benefits and has been used for thousands of years, even in many places, tea has been used at a high […]

Dazhong,Great Bell – Kidney meridian _ Acupoint KI4

Acupoint KI4 _ Huyệt Đại chung _ Túc thiếu âm thận _ KI-4

Great Bell, Dazhong – KidneyHuyệt Đại chung – Kinh Túc thiếu âm thậnLarge Bell _ Méridien du rein大鐘, dà zhōng – 足少阴肾经dae jong 대종, dai shō? – 족소음신경 Regulates the kidneys, harmonizes the blood and helps the mind. Heel tendon pain, back pain, difficulty urinating, asthma, constipation, nervous weakness, hysteria. […]

Rangu acupoint _ Kidney meridian _ Acupoint KI2

Acupoint KI2 _ Huyệt Nhiên cốc - Kinh Túc thiếu âm thận _ KI-2

Rangu acupoint, or Nature Valley acupoint _ Kidney meridian Huyệt Nhiên cốc – Kinh Túc thiếu âm thận Blazing Valley – Méridien du rein 然谷, rán gǔ – 足少阴肾经 yeon gok 연곡, nen koku – 족소음신경 Effets of the Rangu acupoint : Regulation of kidney-yin and kidney-yang Treatment: Painful feet, inflammation […]

Dicang, Earth Granary _ Stomach meridian _ Acupoint ST4

Acupoint ST4 _ Huyệt Địa thương – Kinh Túc dương minh vị

Earth Granary, Dicang – StomachHuyệt Địa thương – Kinh Túc dương minh vịLe grenier de la terre _ Méridien de l’estomac地倉, dì cāng – 足阳明胃经ji chang 지창, chi so – 족양명위경 Expel the poisonous wind, eliminate the stagnant air in the body. Treatment of facial paralysis, deformed mouth, misaligned eyes, […]

Shangqiu, Shang Mound – Spleen meridian _ Acupoint SP5

Acupoint SP5 _ Huyệt Thương khâu – Kinh Túc thái âm tỳ _ SP-5

Shang Mound, Shangqiu – Spleen Huyệt Thương khâu – Kinh Túc thái âm tỳLe monticule de métal _ Méridien de la rate商丘, shāng qiū – 足太阴脾经sang gu 상구, shō kyū – 족태음비경 The Shangqiu acupoint strengthens the spleen and stomach. Dispel toxic moisture The Shangqiu acupoint is used for the […]

Dadu, Great Metropolis – Spleen meridian _ Acupoint SP2

Acupoint SP2 _ Huyệt Đại đô – Kinh Túc thái âm tỳ _ SP-2

Dadu, Great Metropolis – SpleenHuyệt Đại đô – Kinh Túc thái âm tỳLa grande capitale – Méridien de la rate大都, dà dū – 足太阴脾经dae do 대도, dai to – 족태음비경 The Dadu acupoint is located at the end of the big toe (the biggest toe of the toes), where the […]

Juliao, Great Crevice _ Stomach meridian _ Acupoint ST3

Great Crevice, Juliao – Stomach

Juliao , Great Crevice – Stomach Huyệt Cự liêu – Kinh Túc dương minh vịLa grande fosse _ Méridien de l’estomac巨髎, jù liáo – 足阳明胃经geo ryo 거료, ko ryō – 족양명위경 The Juliao expel toxic wind, activate meridians, remove edema, relieve pain Treatment of facial paralysis, sore teeth, painful swollen […]

Dadun _ Great and Thick _ Liver _ Acupoint LV1

Acupoint LV1 _ Đại đôn _ Túc quyết âm can _ LV-1, LIV-1

Dadun _ Great and Thick _ Liver _ Acupoint LV1 Great and Thick, Dadun _ Liver Huyệt Đại đôn _ Kinh Túc quyết âm can Grand et épais _ Méridien du foie 大敦, dà dūn – 足厥阴肝经 dae don 대돈, tai ton – 족궐음간경 Prolapse, testicular enlargement, uterine prolapse, amenorrhea, […]

Kunlun, Kunlun Mountains _ Bladder meridian _ Acupoint BL60

Acupoint BL60 _ Huyệt Côn luân _ Túc thái dương Bàng quang _ BL-60 / UB-60 / B-60

Kunlun, Kunlun Mountains _ Bladder meridian _ Acupoint BL60 Kunlun Mountains, Kunlun – BladderCôn luân (Côn lôn) – Túc thái dương Bàng quang Kunlun Mountains _ Méridien de la vessie昆侖; 崑崙, kūn lún – 足太阳膀胱经gol lyun 곤륜, kon ron – 족태양방광경 BL60 | Kunlun acupoint | Bladder meridian | Acupressure […]

Acupressure for depression due to anger _ Acupress V6

Acupress V6 _ Prevent and treat Depression due to Anger with acupressure

Acupressure for depression due to anger _ Acupress V6 Acupress V6 _ Prevent and treat Depression due to Anger with acupressure. You can refer to other ways to prevent and treat depression: Prevent and treat depression with essential oil, formula 1 Prevent and treat depression with yoga, nutritional therapies, […]

Xingjian, Interval Pass _ Liver meridian _ Acupoint LV2

hành gian, interval pass, xingjian, 行間, xíng jiān, haeng gan 행간, kō kan, túc quyết âm can,liver, 足厥阴肝经, 족궐음간경, lv2, liv2, lv-2, liv-2,

Xingjian, Interval Pass _ Liver meridian _ Acupoint LV2 Waiting for the English translation update, you can refer to the Vietnamese version and use Google automatic translation here You can also refer to it for more information: Acupressure VIKUDO Channel Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Taixi, Supreme Stream _ Kidney meridian _ Acupoint KI3

Huyệt Thái khê, Great Stream, Acupoint KI3 _ Supreme Stream, Taixi, Kidney

Taixi, Supreme Stream _ Kidney meridian _ Acupoint KI3 Acupoint KI3 _ Supreme Stream, Taixi _ Kidney _ KI-3, KD-3, K-3 Supreme Stream, Taixi – KidneyThái khê – Túc thiếu âm thận太谿, taì xī – 足少阴肾经tae yeon 태계, tai kei – 족소음신경 KI3 | Taixi acupoint | Kidney meridian | […]

Shenmen, Spirit Gate _ Heart meridian _ Acupoint HT7

Acupoint HT7 _ Spirit Gate, Shenmen - Heart _ HT-7

Shenmen, Spirit Gate _ Heart meridian _ Acupoint HT7 Spirit Gate, Shenmen – Heart meridian Huyệt Thần môn Kinh Thủ thiếu âm tâm La porte de l’esprit – Méridien du cœur 神門, shén mén – 手少阴心经 sin mun 신문, shin mon – 수소음심경 The Shenmen acupoint works to dispel fire […]

Treat lumbar herniated disc with mugwort _ Acuheat V3

Acuheat V3 _ Prevent and treat lumbar herniated disc with a hairdryer and mugwort

Treat lumbar herniated disc with mugwort _ Acuheat V3 Acuheat V3 _ Prevent and treat lumbar herniated disc with a hairdryer and mugwort This video shows you how to treat a patient You could consult to know more the preparation in the video Acuheat V2 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie […]

Prevent and treat diseases with mugwort _ Acuheat V2

Acuheat V2 _ Prevent and treat diseases with a hairdryer and mugwort

Prevent and treat diseases with mugwort _ Acuheat V2 This is a new method, of modern life Use household items, but based on the traditional healing principles of oriental medicine This video shows you how to use a familiar hair dryer in your home, as well as mugwort – plants […]

Shousanli, Arm Three Miles _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint Li10

Acupoint Li10 _ Arm Three Miles, Shousanli - Large Intestine _ Li-10

Acupoint Li10 _ Arm Three Miles, Shousanli – Large Intestine _ Li-10 Arm Three Miles, Shousanli – Large IntestineThủ tam lý – Thủ dương minh đại trường手三里, shǒu sān lǐ – 手阳明大肠经[su] sam ni [수] 삼리, te san ri – 수양명대장경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie You can see: Pool at […]

Yangxi, Yang Stream _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI5

Acupoint LI5 _ Yang Stream, Yangxi - Large Intestine _ LI-5

Acupoint LI5 _ Yang Stream, Yangxi – Large Intestine _ LI-5 Yang Stream, Yangxi – Large IntestineDương khê – Thủ dương minh đại trường陽谿, yáng xī – 手阳明大肠经yang gye 양계, yō kei – 수양명대장경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie You can see: Pool at the Crook, Quchi _ Large Intestine meridian […]

Tianliao, Heavenly Crevice _ Triple Energizer _ Acupoint TE15

Huyệt Thiên liêu, Upper Arm Hole, Tianliao

Heavenly Crevice, Tianliao – Triple EnergizerThiên liêu – Thủ thiếu dương tam tiêu天髎, tiān liáo – 手少阳三焦经cheol lyo 천료, ten ryō – 수소양삼초경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Quyuan, Crooked Wall _ Small Intestine _ Acupoint SI13

Huyệt Khúc viên, Crooked Wall, Quyuan

Quyuan, Crooked Wall _ Small Intestine meridian _ Acupoint SI13 Crooked Wall, Quyuan – Small IntestineKhúc viên – Thủ thái dương tiểu trường曲垣, qū yuán – 手太阳小肠经gok won 곡원, kyo ku en? – 수태양소장경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Jianjing, Shoulder Well _ Gallbladder _ GB21

Huyệt Kiên tỉnh, Shoulder Well, Jianjing

Waiting for the English translation updateYou can refer to the Vietnamese version and use Google automatic translation here You can also refer to it for more information: Acupressure VIKUDO Channel Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Baihui _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU20

Huyệt Bách hội, One Hundred Meetings, Baihui, Acupoint DU20, acuvi, vikudo,

Baihui, One Hundred Meetings _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU20 One Hundred Meetings, Baihui – The Governing VesselHuyệt Bách hội _ Đốc mạchOne Hundred Meetings _ Vaisseau gouverneur百會, bǎi huì – 督脉穴; 督脈baek hoe 백회, hyaku e – The Governing Vessel The Baihui is used for treatment of headaches, […]

Hall of Impression _ Extra points _ EX-HN3

yintang, hall of impression, extra points, salle des impressions, ấn đường, huyệt ngoại kinh, kỳ huyệt, an duong, huyet an duong, 印堂, yìn táng, 经外奇穴

Acupoint EX-HN 3 _ Hall of Impression _ EX-HN-3 Waiting for the English translation updateYou can refer to the Vietnamese version and use Google automatic translation here Please watch the instructions in the video: EX-HN3 | Yintang Acupoint | Third-Eye Chakra | Acupressure VIKUDO Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Antibiotics _ 5 safe and effective principles of use _ Life 64

Life 64 _ 5 Principles of antibiotic use, Vikudo

Antibiotics are like a double-edged sword! Hello, Antibiotics marked a major turning point in the history of human medicine, helping to save the lives of millions of people with dangerous infectious diseases. However, antibiotics, like all drugs, and like a double-edged sword, are already drugs that must be used correctly […]

Antibiotic resistance, antimicrobial resistance _ Life 63

Life 63 _ Antimicrobial Resistance, VIKUDO

Antibiotics are an excellent man-made weapon against bacterial infections. But do you know? Today, more and more bacteria are becoming resistant to the antibiotics used to destroy them. And antibiotic resistance is the biggest threat to the entire healthcare industry in particular and to society in general. Antibiotics have the […]

Jianyu, Shoulder Bone _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI15

Acupoint LI15 _ Shoulder Bone, Jianyu - Large Intestine _ LI-15

Jianyu, acupoint LI15 _ Shoulder Bone, Jianyu – Large Intestine _ LI-15 Shoulder Bone, Jianyu – Large IntestineKiên ngung – Thủ dương minh đại trường肩髃, jiān yú – 手阳明大肠经gyeon u 견우, ken gū – 수양명대장경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Cross-reactivity in food allergies _ Life 62

Life-62-_-Cross-reactivity-in-food-allergy _ VIKUDO

Cross-reactivity occurs when your body’s immune system mistakenly determines that the proteins of one substance and the proteins of another are similar. Hello, The life of people with allergies is not easy. Instead of walking to see the beautiful spring flowers, they could not breathe, instead of enjoying the culinary […]

Dazhui _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU14

Acupoint DU14 _ Great Vertebra, Dazhui - The Governing Vessel _ DU-14 _ GV-14

Dazhui, Great Vertebra – The Governing Vessel _ DU-14 _ GV-14 _ Acupoint DU14 Great Vertebra, Dazhui – The Governing VesselĐại chùy – Đốc mạch大椎, dà zhuī – 督脉穴; 督脈dae chu 대추, dai tsui Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie



Hay fever is a form of allergic disease called allergic pollen rhinitis, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis… Hello,Every year when spring begins, besides the excitement of entering a hot spring with a strong revival of all kinds of plants and flowers after a long winter hibernation, for many people […]

Fengfu, Wind Palace _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU16

Wind Palace, Fengfu

Wind Palace, Fengfu – The Governing VesselHuyệt Phong phủ – Đốc mạch風府, fēng fǔ – 督脉穴; 督脈pung bu 풍부, fū fu Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie DU16 | Fengfu Acupoint | The Governing Vessel | Acupressure VIKUDO


life vikudo, vikudo, docteur vikudo, maître vikudo, allergies alimentaires, food allergy, dị ứng thực phẩm, dị ứng thức ăn, life 59, life59,

A food allergy is a disease when an immune system response occurs immediately after eating a certain food, even though only a very small amount of the allergen is consumed.Food allergies affect about 6-8% of all children under 3 and over 3% of all adults.Additionally, a food allergy can be […]

Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE _ Life 58

Life 58 _ Systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE

Lupus erythematosus is a collection of autoimmune diseases in which the human immune system becomes overactive and attacks healthy tissue. As a result, many different bodily systems are affected, including the joints, skin, kidneys, blood cells, heart, and lungs. The most common and severe form is systemic lupus erythematosus. There […]

Binao, Upper Arm _ Large Intestine meridian _ Acupoint LI14

Huyệt Tý nhu, Le haut du bras, Binao

Upper Arm, Binao – Large IntestineTý nhu – Thủ dương minh đại trường臂臑, bì nào – 手阳明大肠经bi no 비노, hi ju – 수양명대장경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Sleep apnea _ Prevent and Treat _ Life 57

life vikudo, vikudo, sleep apnea, syndrome d’apnée du sommeil, apnée du sommeil, hội chứng ngưng thở khi ngủ, ngừng thở khi ngủ, ngưng thở khi ngủ, life 57, life57,

Sleep apnea syndrome is a sleep disorder characterized by an arrest or decrease in respiratory flow. Hello, Most patients with sleep apnea syndrome do not know that they have this disease, but if they go to a doctor, it is only because of the common symptoms like headache, fatigue, etc. […]

Prevent and treat Insomnia by Acuheat _ Acuheat V1

Acuheat V1 _ Prevent and treat Insomnia by Acuheat with a Hairdryer

Prevent and treat Insomnia by Acuheat To prevent and treat insomnia with a hairdryer as in this video, the first acupoint that we will stimulate today is Yinbai. Then, the Anmian. Click here to watch the video You can review the related videos : You can see : Prevent and treat […]

Lactose intolerance – Causes, Symptoms, and Prevent _ Life 55

life vikudo, vikudo, life 55, life55, intolérance au lactose, lactose intolerance, không dung nạp lactose,

Lactose intolerance occurs because a person’s small intestine does not make enough of an enzyme called lactase to digest the lactose naturally found in milk. Lactose intolerance occurs because a person’s small intestine does not make enough of an enzyme called lactase to digest the lactose naturally found in milk.Because […]

Constipation with acupressure _ Acupress V5

Xoa bóp bấm huyệt trị táo bón, La constipation avec acupression, Constipation with acupressure,

Constipation with acupressure _ Acupress V5 PLEASE NOTE: This practice does not apply to pregnant women For the practice session “Prevent and treat constipation with massage, acupressure”, we will practice while lying down. Please prepare with me a comfortable place to lie down, with 4 small pillows or yoga bricks. […]

Insomnia stress with acupen _ Acupen V3

Mất ngủ bởi stress với bút châm cứu, Insomnie stress avec acupen,Insomnia stress with acupen

Insomnia stress with acupen _ Acupen V3 To prevent and treat insomnia in general, there are certainly many different therapies. Today, I present to you a simple acupen therapy which can be particularly effective for insomnia caused by various forms of nervous tension (or STRESS). Here, we will work with […]

Insomnia by Stress with Acupressure _ Acupress V4

Bấm huyệt chữa mất ngủ bởi Stress, Insomnie par stress avec Acupression, Insomnia by Stress with Acupressure

Insomnia by Stress with Acupressure _ Acupress V4 Insomnia can be caused by many different causes and, therefore, there are of course many different therapies. In this lesson, for insomnia caused by nervous causes, excessive anxiety, etc., which we can temporarily call stress I present to you a very simple […]

Yinbai, Hidden White _ Spleen meridian _ Acupoint SP1

ẩn bạch, huyệt ẩn bạch, huyet an bach, an bach, túc thái âm tỳ, hidden white, yinbai, spleen, 隱白, yǐn bái, 足太阴脾经, eun baek 은백, im paku, 족태음비경,

Yinbai, Hidden White _ Spleen meridian _ Acupoint SP1 It is the 1st point of the Spleen meridian. Because the location of the hidden point is the meeting place of the red and white skin on the bottom of the foot, it is called the Hidden White point. Waiting for […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy _ YES or NO ? _ Life 52

Mãn kinh và liệu pháp hoocmon thay thế _ Lợi ích và rủi ro

Hormone replacement therapy, if required, should be used only at the lowest effective dose, and for the shortest possible time! As I said in the previous video, menopause is the time when a woman’s ovaries stop producing fertility hormones (estrogen and progesterone) and it’s also when a woman stop her […]

Insomnia with Acupen _ Acupen V2

Trị mất ngủ bằng bút châm, Insomnie avec Acupen, Insomnia with Acupen

Insomnia with Acupen _ Acupen V2 The AcuPEN is only a means, which allows the treatment to also have the desired effect without having to use complicated needles or massage acupoints with tired hands. Diagnosing the right cause, choosing good acupoints and using the pen correctly, treating with the right […]

Treat acne with Acupen _ Acupen V1

Trị mụn trứng cá với bút châm, Traiter l'acné avec acupen,Treat acne with Acupen

Treat acne with Acupen _ Acupen V1 You can see also:Acupoint LI1 _ Shang Yang, Shangyang – Large Intestine _ LI-1 Acupress V 2 _ Prevent and treat Acne with acupressure Yoga VT 10 _ Yoga to prevent and treat acne Life 18 : Life 18 _ Acne _ Prevention and […]

Hot Flashes with yoga _ Yoga Therapy _ Yoga VT21

Yoga VT21 _ Hot Flashes _ Vikudo

Hot Flashes with yoga _ Yoga Therapy _ Yoga VT21 Hot flashes are a very uncomfortable condition that commonly occurs in premenopausal and menopausal women. This exercise is not only effective for people suffering from the torture of this pathology, but also useful for anyone who wants to prevent disease […]

Tianzhu, Celestial Pillar _ Bladder meridian _ Acupoint BL10

Huyệt Thiên trụ, Upper Pillar,Tianzhu

Tianzhu, Celestial Pillar, Heavenly pillar _ Bladder _ Acupoint BL10 Celestial Pillar, Heavenly pillar, Tianzhu – BladderThiên trụ – Túc thái dương bàng quang天柱, tiān zhù – 足太阳膀胱经cheon ju 천주, ten chū – 족태양방광경 BL10 | Tianzhu Acupoint | Bladder Meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Hot Flashes

Hot flashes VIKUDO

Hot flashes occur more often in women than in men, and are mostly related to the age of menopause. It is a physical disorder, linked to hormonal problems. It can last from a few seconds to an hour, with the frequency varies from person to person and usually occurs at […]

Renzhong _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU26

Huyệt Nhân trung, Middle of the Person, Renzhong

Renzhong _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU26 Renzhong, Middle of the PersonNhân trung (Thủy câu)人中, 水沟, rén zhōng, SHUI GOUin jung 인중/su gu 수구, jin chu Đốc mạch督脉穴; 督脈The Governing Vessel. Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie Sudden cardiac arrest

7 Chakras with yoga_ Awareness and practice _ Yoga VT20

7 chakras

7 Chakras _ Awareness and practice with yoga Location between the anus and the genitals, which is equivalent to acupoint CV1 _ Huiyin in oriental medicine.Symbolized by a red lotus with 4 petals.Chakra 1 is closely related to human instincts and the underlying potentialities.It can help the practitioner to increase […]

Yamen, Mutism Gate _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU15

Huyệt Á môn, Mutism Gate, Yamen

Yamen, Mutism Gate _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU15 Mutism Gate, Yamen – The Governing VesselÁ môn – Đốc mạch瘂門 (唖門), yǎ ména mun 아문, a mon Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie Yamen, Mutism Gate _ The Governing Vessel _ Acupoint DU15 Dazhui _ The governing vessel _ DU14

Yingxiang _ Large Intestine meridian _ Acupoint LI20

Huyệt Nghênh hương, L'accueil du parfum, Yingxiang

Yingxiang, Welcome Fragrance _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI20 Welcome Fragrance, Yingxiang – Large IntestineNghênh hương – Thủ dương minh đại trường迎香, yíng xiāng – 手阳明大肠经yeong hyang 영향, gei ko – 수양명대장경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie LI20 | Yingxiang Acupoint | Large Intestine Meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO (Released on Youtube […]

Taichong, Supreme Rush, Great rushing _ Liver _ LV3

Huyệt Thái xung, Rush suprême, Taichong

Taichong, Supreme Rush, Great rushing _ Liver meridian _ Acupoint LV3 Supreme Rush, Great rushing, Taichong – LiverThái xung – Túc quyết âm can太沖, taì chōng – 足厥阴肝经tae chung 태충, tai shō – 족궐음간경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie LV3 | Taichong acupoint | Liver meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO Gushing Spring, […]

ACP juice – Helps the liver, lowers bad cholesterol _ EHV 2

ACP juice – Helps the liver, lowers bad cholesterol _ EHV 2 Do you know?Healthy and healthy liver means that it always performs its functions well, the most important is the function of secreting bile for the digestive process and the function of removing toxins, etc.There are many ways to […]

Sanyinjiao, Three Yin Intersection _ Spleen _ Acupoint SP6

Acupoint SP6 _ Three Yin Intersection, Sanyinjiao _ Spleen _ SP-6

Acupoint SP6 _ Three Yin Intersection, Sanyinjiao _ Spleen _ SP-6 Three Yin Intersection, Sanyinjiao – SpleenTam âm giao – Túc thái âm tỳ三陰交, sān yīn jiāo – 足太阴脾经sam eum gyo 삼음교, san in kō – 족태음비경 Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Strawberry and kiwi puree for baby _ EHV 1

EHV1 _ Strawberry and kiwi puree for baby

Strawberry and kiwi puree for baby _ EHV 1 Strawberry : 1 Pound Kiwi: 2-3 fruits Strawberry and kiwi puree for baby _ EHV 1: ACP juice _ Helps the liver lowers bad cholesterol _ EHV 2 OT juice _ Strengthens the body’s immune system

Anmian, Peaceful Sleep _ EM-13 _ Acupoint EM13

Acupoint EM13 _ Peaceful Sleep, Anmian _ EM-13

Anmian, Peaceful Sleep _ EM-13 _ Acupoint EM13 Peaceful Sleep, AnmianAn miên安眠 Insomnia, vertigo, headache, palpatation, mental disorders EM13 | Anmian Acupoint | Peaceful Sleep Acupoint | Extra points | Acupressure VIKUDO Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie Wind screen, Yifeng _ Triple energizer _ TE17 Wind Pool, Fengchi _ Gallbladder meridian […]

Yifeng, Wind Screen _ Triple Energizer _ Acupoint TE17

Ế phong, Wind Screen, Yifeng, TE17

Yifeng, Wind Screen _ Triple Energizer _ Acupoint TE17 Wind Screen, Yifeng – Triple EnergizerẾ phong – Thủ thiếu dương tam tiêu翳風, yì fēng – 手少阳三焦经ye pung 예풍, ei fū – 수소양삼초경 TE17 | Yifeng Acupoint | Triple Energizer Meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO Maître VIKUDODocteur en Physiopathologie

Essential oils increase male strength _ Massage _ EOV4

Tinh dầu chữa bất lực, EOV4, massage essential oils impotence

Essential oils increase male strength _ Massage _ EOV4 If you are in good physical and mental health, except that “that one” who is weak, please follow me in this video and some following videos!To prepare an essential oil massage remedy today, one must have: Ylang ylang _ Cananga odorata […]

Anti depression Essential Oils _ Massage _ EOV3

EOV3 _ Energizing Anti depression Massage Essential Oils

Anti depression Essential Oils _ Massage _ EOV3 This remedy requires a base sweet almond oil and some of the following essential oils:Orange essential oilBlack spruce essential oiland, peppermint essential oil If you wish, you can refer to some acupoints related to depression: Acupoint HT7Acupoint KI9 Acupoint LV2 Acupoint ST40 […]

Shaoshang, Lesser Shang _ Lung meridian _ Acupoint LU11

Acupoint LU11 _ Lesser Shang, Shaoshang – Lung _ LU-11

Shaoshang, Lesser Shang _ Lung meridian _ Acupoint LU11 Lesser Shang, Shaoshang – LungThiếu thương – Thủ thái âm phế少商, shào shāng – 手太阴肺经so sang 소상, shō shō – 수태음폐경 (to update) LI1 | Shangyang Acupoint | Large Intestine Meridian | Acupressure VIKUDO VIKUDO

Depression with essential oils _ Recipe 1 _ EOV 2

EOV 2 _ Prevent and treat Depression with essential oils _ Recipe 1

Depression with essential oils _ Recipe 1 _ EOV 2 This remedy requires a base sweet almond oil and some of the following essential oils:Lemon essential oilFrankincense essential oilBlack spruce essential oilRose essential oiland, roman chamomile essential oil If you wish, you can refer to some acupoints related to depression: […]

Acupressure with acne _ Acupress V2

Acupression pour Acné, Bấm huyệt trị mụn trứng cá, Acupressure with acne, Acupress V2,

Acupressure with acne _ Acupress V2 To prevent and treat acne, in addition to eating, practicing yoga, it is enough acupressure only one point, it is the “Shangyang”. You can review how to find this acupoint in Acupoint LI-1: Prevent and treat acne through food:Life18, Life 20 Prevent and […]

Arthritis Remedy 1 _ Essential Oils Rolling Bottle _ EOV 1

Chai lăn tinh dầu trị đau viêm khớp, Arthrite Remède 1, Arthritis Remedy 1, EOV1.

Arthritis Remedy 1 _ Essential Oils Rolling Bottle _ EOV 1 Ginger essential oilWintergreen essential oilLemongrass essential oilFrankincense essential oilEucalyptus essential oilFractionated coconut oil10 ml roller bottle Arthritis Remedy 1 _ Essential Oils Rolling Bottle _ EOV 1:

Fengchi, Wind Pool _ Gallbladder meridian _ Acupoint GB20

fengchi, wind pool, huyệt phong trì, acupoint GB20, GB20, vikudo,

Fengchi, Wind Pool _ Gallbladder meridian _ Acupoint GB20 Wind Pool, Fengchi – GallbladderPhong trì – Túc thiếu dương đởm風池, fēng chí – 足少阳胆经pung ji 풍지 – 족소양담경 Acupoint GB20 _ Wind Pool – Gallbladder:

Sciatica _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT15

Sciatica VIKUDO

Prevent and Treat Sciatica _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT15 Anatomically, the large nerve in the hip is the largest and longest nerve in the body. It is composed of two main roots, L5 and S1, and auxiliary roots L4, S2 and S3. The large sciatic nerve goes from the […]

Lumbar herniated disc P2 __ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT14

Thoát vị đĩa đệm thắt lưng P2, Yoga VT14, Lumbar herniated disc P2, la hernie discale lombaire P2, vikudo,

Lumbar herniated disc P2 __ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT14 Intervertebral disc herniation in which the lumbar disc herniation is a disease that seriously affects the health and mobility of people. Disc herniation occurs when unbalanced mechanical pressures cause the annulus fibrosus to deform, causing part of the nucleus pulposus […]


HERNIATED DISC Between the vertebrae, from the second cervical vertebra C2 to the sacrum, are the intervertebral discs.Each intervertebral disc is composed of an outer fibrous ring, the disc annulus (annulus fibrosus, or AF) and a soft inner substance (nucleus pulposus or NP).Although the discs have very good resistance to […]

Lumbar herniated disc P1 _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT13

Lumbar herniated disc P1 _ Yoga therapy _ Yoga VT13 Intervertebral disc herniation in which the lumbar disc herniation is a disease that seriously affects the health and mobility of people. Disc herniation occurs when unbalanced mechanical pressures cause the annulus fibrosus to deform, causing part of the nucleus pulposus […]

Quchi, Pool at the Crook _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI11

Le bassin dans la courbe, huyệt khúc trì, Quchi, LI11,, vikudo

Quchi, Pool at the Crook _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI11 Pool at the Crook – Quchi, Large Intestine Khúc trì -Thủ dương minh đại trường 曲池, qū chí – 手阳明大肠经 gok ji 곡지 – 수양명대장경 (to update) Quchi, Pool at the Crook _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI11 VIKUDO

Preventing and treating insomnia

mất ngủ và khó ngủ, Preventing and treating insomnia, insomnie, vikudo

Preventing and treating insomnia There are many different therapies for preventing and treating insomnia. In addition to exercises such as Yoga VT3, the uses of essential oils Life 16, 19, 21 etc …, VIKUDO will continue to offer you even more remedies for this disease – silent but frightening.VIKUDO’s coherent […]

Waiguan, Outer Pass _ Triple Energizer _ Acupoint TE5

Acupoint TE5 _ Acupoint Vikudo

Waiguan, Outer Pass _ Triple Energizer _ Acupoint TE5 Outer Pass, Waiguan – Triple EnergizerOuter Pass _ Triple réchaufeurNgoại quan – Thủ thiếu dương tam tiêu外關, wài guān – 手少阳三焦经oe gwan 외관 – 수소양삼초경 Acupoint Waiguan has the effect of evacuating heat (mainly evacuating heat in the upper part, from […]

He Gu, Joining Valley _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI4

Huyệt Hợp cốc, he gu, l'union des vallées,

He Gu, Joining Valley _ Large Intestine _ Acupoint LI4 Joining Valley, He Gu _ Large Intestine L’union des vallées _ Gros intestinHuyệt Hợp cốc (tên khác là Hiệp cốc) _ Kinh Thủ dương minh đại trường合谷, hé gǔ _ 手阳明大肠经hap gok 합곡, gō koku _ 수양명대장경 The Joining Valley […]

Lotus Melting Heart Pose _ Yoga VB41

PADMA - ANAHATASANA, vikudo, hoa sen trái tim tan chảy, lotus cœur aimant, lotus melting heart pose, yoga vb41,

Lotus Melting Heart Pose _ PADMA – ANAHATASANA _ Yoga VB41 “LOTUS – MELTING HEART” Pose A superb combination of two classic and emotional yoga poses: the “Lotus” pose and the “Melting Heart” pose. The benefits of PADMA – ANAHATASANA will not simply be a complement to the benefits of […]

Heart Melting Pose _ Anahatasana _ Yoga VB40

Tư thế Trái tim tan chảy, ANAHATASANA, Heart Melting Pose

Heart Melting Pose _ Anahatasana _ Yoga VB40 ANAHATASANA _ Heart Melting Pose “Melting Heart Pose” – An extremely special posture, it is special from the name that smells very sweet, filled with positive and loving emotions. When practicing the “Melting Heart” posture, the practitioner will easily feel – from […]

Basic Kick 4 _ Vikudo B4

Vikudo B4 _ Co ban chan 4

Basic Kick 4 _ Vikudo B4 THE KICK HAS A POWERFUL DESTRUCTIVE POWER IN FRONT AND DIRECTLY ON THE TARGET Contact point: follow the instructions in the video Avoid “dead postures” for the knees when kicking Avoid bending your knees too much when hitting The leg must be “flexible” The […]

Yoga Seal Pose _ YOGA MUDRASANA _ Yoga VB39

Yoga-Mudrasana _ Vikudo

Yoga Seal Pose _ YOGA MUDRASANA _ Yoga VB39 For many people, being able to sit well in the “Lotus Pose” was also a big challenge. Therefore, continuing to practice the posture called “Yoga Seal Pose” is indeed a difficulty that is not easily overcome on the first day, the […]

Lotus Cobra Pose _ PADMA BHUJANGASANA _ Yoga VB38

Lotus Cobra pose, PADMA-BHUJANGASANA _ VIKUDO, Tư thế Hoa sen - Rắn hổ mang

Lotus Cobra Pose _ PADMA BHUJANGASANA _ Yoga VB38 The “Padma Bhujangasana” is a great combination of both the legendary yoga poses: the “Lotus pose” and the “Cobra pose”. The benefits of the PADMA BHUJANGASANA combination pose give the practitioner certainly not only the sum of the benefits of the […]

Front kick with toe tips _ Vikudo B3

Đá đầu ngón chân, Tirer la pointe des orteils, Front kick with toe tips, vikudo b3

Front kick with toe tips _ Vikudo B3 Vikudo B3 _ Lying down _ front kick with tip of the toes Similar to the previous exercises, the “Lying down – front kick with tip of the toes” can be done in many different positions. But here we practice this technique […]

ACUVI with Acupoints _ VIKUDO

Acupoint Vikudo

ACUVI with Acupoints _ VIKUDO Acupoint VIKUDO _ What for?Acupoint VIKUDO for healingAcupoint VIKUDO for Self-defense and Survival A free, methodical and scientific program – For you! Articles, videos will be posted: Fanpage: Acupoint Vikudo Youtube: Acupoint VIKUDO And, of course, they will also be posted on this site. VIKUDO

The forward foot bowl _ Vikudo B2

Vikudo B2, đá tống ức bàn, Le bol du pied, The bowl of the foot,

The forward foot bowl _ Vikudo B2 Vikudo B2 _ Lying down Front Kick with Ball of Foot The “Lying down Front Kick with Ball of Foot” can be done in many different positions. But here we practice this technique while lying down – one of the most passive and […]

Lotus Upward Facing Dog _ Yoga VB37

Tư thế Hoa sen Chó ngửa mặt, Lotus Chien tête en haut,

Lotus-Upward Facing Dog _ Padma – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana _ Yoga VB37 The “Lotus-Upward Facing Dog” Padma – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana pose is a perfect combination of two poses: the “Lotus pose” (Yoga VB1) with the “Upward Facing Dog Pose” (Yoga VB19). The advantages of the ” Padma – Urdhva […]

Happy baby pose _ ANANDA BALASANA _ Yoga VB36

Posture du bébé heureux, Đứa trẻ vui nhộn, Happy baby pose,

Happy baby pose _ ANANDA BALASANA _ Yoga VB36 Ananda Balasana, also known as Sukha Balasana (“Funny Kid’s Pose”), is a basic pose found in many modern yoga programs. This pose is known for its many fascinating benefits, while practicing the pose is not too difficult and not too much […]

Raised Lotus Pose _ UTTHITA PADMASANA _ Yoga VB35

le lotus en suspension,raised lotus pose, tư thế hoa sen treo, yoga vb35

Raised Lotus Pose _ UTTHITA PADMASANA _ Yoga VB35 UTTHITA PADMASANA _ Raised Lotus Pose Sanskrit name: Utthita Padmasana or Tulasana / Tolasana English name: Raise Lotus Pose or Balance Pose or Swing Pose or Scale PoseUtthita Padmasana consists of three Sanskrit words.Where the first word is the word “Utthita”, […]

Reverse Prayer Pose _ Yoga VB34

Tư thế chắp tay sau lưng _ Posture de prière inversée _ VIPARITA NAMASKARASANA Reverse Prayer Pose Vikudo Yoga

Reverse Prayer Pose _ VIPARITA NAMASKARASANA _ Yoga VB34 The VIPARITA NAMASKARASANA is an interesting pose, called “Reverse prayer pose” and performed in the “Diamond Pose”. In this pose Viparita Namaskarasana, the word “Viparita” means “Behind, or reverse” (in simple terms, the meaning of Viparita is – “on the contrary”) […]

Hands position of Cow face pose _ Yoga VB33

YogaVB 33 _ HASTA GOMUKHASANA _ Hand position of Cow face pose

Hands position of Cow face pose _ HASTA GOMUKHASANA _ Yoga VB33 hasta gomukhasana = (HUH-stug go-muk-AHS-uh-nuh) To practice this lesson when you have time, you can stand or sit as desired.Here we practice together in “Diamond Pose”. To practice this exercise well, you should practice the following exercises: Yoga […]


võ tự vệ và sinh tồn, autodéfense et survie, self-defense and survival, vikudo vikudo

SELF-DEFENSE AND SURVIVAL _ VIKUDO I want to offer you this program! It is a training program, the learners must practice seriously with the demonstrations of the master, the “brainstorming” must be parallel to the “movement”. The program is not intended to be entertaining. Do you want to write a […]

Shoot the heel forward _ Vikudo B1

Vikudo B1 _ Lying down shoot the heel forward

Shoot the heel forward _ Vikudo B1 Before each session, you should meditate a few minutes or tens of minutes deep. In this session, you will lie down deeply while breathing with your lower abdomen with me in a minute. It works very well for your physical and mental health. […]

Upward facing forward bend 1 _ Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana 1 _ Yoga VB32

YogaVB-32-_-Urdhva-Mukha-Paschimottanasana-1, vikudo

Upward facing forward bend 1 _ Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana 1 _ Yoga VB32 Yoga VB32 _ Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana 1 _ Upward facing forward bend 1 Urdhva Mukha Paschimottanasana is pronounced: “OORD-vuh MUK-uh puhsh-chi-mo-tahn-AHS-uh-nuh” BENEFITS: Stretches and strengthens hamstrings, lumbar muscles, spine and spinal cord Softens the hip joint, treat […]

Reclining both hands to the leg pose _ Yoga VB31

Nằm ngửa kéo một chân áp mặt, SUPTA DWI HASTA PADASANA, Reclining both hands to the leg pose

Reclining both hands to the leg pose _ SUPTA DWI HASTA PADASANA _ Yoga VB31 A basic yoga pose is excellent in that it is easy to practice because the difficulty is not too high, and it can not only be practiced on the mat, but can also be practiced […]

Half bound lotus seated forward bend 1 _ Yoga VB30

YogaVB 30 _ Tư thế ngồi nửa hoa sen gập mình lên một chân duỗi thẳng

Half bound lotus seated forward bend 1 _ Yoga VB30 Half bound lotus seated forward bend-1 _ Ardha baddha padma paschimottanasana 1. It is a pose which is more difficult than poses like “Head to knee” or “Seated Forward Bend” (Yoga VB13-16), but it is nevertheless simpler than “Ardha baddha […]

Yoga to prevent and cure acne _ Yoga VT10

yoga phong va chua mun trung ca, vikudo

Yoga to prevent and cure acne _ Yoga VT10 Although acne may not pose a serious threat to physical health, it can affect self-esteem and can cause a variety of problems in life. Acne has created both an industry of senior dermatologists and a staggering list of very strong and […]

Chair pose _ UTKATASANA _ Yoga VB29

Tư thế cái ghế, Posture de la chaise, Chair pose

Utkatasana (OOT-kah-TAHS-anna) – The “Chair pose” is a difficult pose for the practitioner by an intense demand of the body from the inside to the outside, the effort to perform well each breath helps maintain balance at the same time with muscular effort to maintain a desired posture. To accomplish […]

Yoga to prevent and cure Anemia _ Yoga VT9

YogaVT 9 _ Yoga to prevent and cure anemia _ VIKUDO

Yoga to prevent and cure Anemia _ Yoga VT9 In the human body, blood represents 7% of the weight. Thus, the average adult has about 5 liters of blood. You may have an equivalent amount of blood in your body, but you may still be anemic if you have the […]

Standing Forward Bend _ Uttanasana _ Yoga VB28

Tư thế đứng gập người, Flexion avant debout, Standing Forward Bend

Standing Forward Bend _ Uttanasana _ Yoga VB28 Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-ahna), – “Standing Forward Bend”. It is a pose that is simply flexing the body through the hip joint, but it is also a challenge for many people due to the tension in the muscles behind the pelvis, the muscles behind […]

Yoga for Seniors

Yoga for seniors, yoga cho người già, yoga cho người lớn tuổi, Yoga pour les seniors

Yoga for Seniors The time for everyone is the same, but each person feels it differently. Please cherish the time that is not long and goes very fast, leaving us full of regrets, unfinished plans and fading bodies every day, every month and every year. Yoga VIKUDO will accompany you, […]

Shoulder and back movements _ Yoga V12

Yoga Vikudo, YogaV vikudo, YogaV KIENDOAN, YogaV 12

Shoulder and back movements _ Yoga V12 Movement techniques of both arms, shoulder blades and upper back. Next are the initial movements to relax the spine, followed by techniques to stretch each side of the back muscles and intercostal muscles. Practitioners will continue to feel the really muscular movement, even […]

Bridge Pose _ Basic Yoga Pose _ Yoga VB17

tư thế cây cầu, la posture du pont, bridge pose, yoga vb17, SETU BANDHASANA

Bridge Pose _ Basic Yoga Pose _ Yoga VB17 The Bridge pose is also a relatively simple and easy to practice posture, but can bring practitioners special physical and mental health effects, such as: In order to enjoy the benefits of this practice, pay attention to the good practice, following […]

BALASANA, Child’s Pose _ Basic Yoga pose

balasana, child's pose

BALASANA, Child’s Pose _ Basic Yoga pose _ Yoga VB7 The child’s posture has many effects on improving physical and mental health, such as helping to stretch the spine, stretching the hips, stretching the thighs, stretching the ankles and reducing stress, etc. You should not practice this position if you […]

Fertility yoga for women _ Yoga VP4

Yoga giúp dễ thụ thai, fertility yoga for women, yoga de la fertilité

Fertility yoga for women _ Yoga VP4 This exercise includes only over a dozen simple yoga exercises but will be very effective in improving your health and fertility. I hope you practice hard, regularly every day. When practicing, be sure to relax your body in each specific position. You just […]

Lotus pose _ PADMASANA _ Yoga VB1

yoga vikudo, yogav, lotus pose

Lotus pose _ PADMASANA _ Yoga VB1 Lotus pose PADMASANA is a posture of lotus seat or lotus posture, a fitness exercise, for a deep meditation. We could practice it anywhere like home yoga, anytime like morning yoga or yoga for bedtime. The difficulty is that one should cross both […]